Sunday, 10 August 2014


Whenever I suggest the use of indoor plants, I'm surprised at how many people respond with a "Hell No!!!" I'm a huge fan so it confuses me as to why they have such a bad rep. I think people have awful childhood memories of their mums watering limp and browning happy plants. Remember those? But indoor plants are such a cool and simple way to complete the look and feel of a room. They have made somewhat of a resurgence with the amazing vertical gardens that are taking over the universe at the moment. But there are other options. Think about using one large sculptural plant in a killer pot or cluster varying species with different shapes and heights. Don't even get me started on hanging ferns!! However you choose to use them, start thinking of indoor plants in the same way as you would a rug, artwork or soft furnishings. They can be the key ingredient to finishing a room.

Images via Pinterest. All images are credited where possible. Please feel free to share information on any where a source could not be located.

Inside Scoop.

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